Wednesday, February 15, 2017

screen protection glasses tinted reading glasses for computer

Many customers respond, in the fitting of the elderly progressive film often encounter a variety of conditions, the following on the elderly in the elderly film fitting with the common problems, from the moon mirror business school scholar Cong here for everyone to do A system of combing and analysis, full of dry goods wow!
First, the old flowers of the measurement and prescription given computer glasses
① the definition of "old flower"
Presbyopia is a physiological phenomenon, not a pathological state, is the people into the old age after the inevitable visual problems. With the original refractive status, such as hyperopia, myopia, astigmatism without any relationship!
Most of the old flowers are about 45 years old, the length of the eye will increase with the age of growth, if every 5 years to increase the rate of increase of 50 degrees, to 60 years old, the degree will increase to 250 degrees To 300 degrees, then the eyes of the old flower computer glasses degree is generally not deepened computer eyewear.
The symptoms of presbyopia are not only reflected in the difficulty of reading at close range, but also include the need for greater illumination at the time of reading, such as the lack of long-term fatigue and other problems, especially with the middle-aged customers have to do the relevant checks With communication.
② the measurement of "ADD"
ADD, computer glasses also called the next plus light. With age, the adjustment of the human eye will decline, the amount of old flowers will increase, the customer at a certain distance on the need for adjustment compensation, is ADD.
Among them, need to pay attention to three points -
ADD is not equal to see the degree of near, to see the degree of near = far with the degree + ADD;
ADD value is not constant, in addition to age changes related to, but also with the reader's reading distance;
ADD is not the higher the better, but to consider to retain part of the regulator, if ADD is too high, the customer's vision will narrow, will feel uncomfortable computer eyewear.
There are many ways to measure ADD, such as: integrated refractometer near the use of cross-view method, near the use of red and green as the standard method, according to the age of temporary participation degree push-pull method (empirical method), measured near point distance calculation Formula method and so on.
Supplement: For any presbyopic patients, the first step in optometry is to do long-range refractive error detection, that is, standardized and accurate refractive optometry and correction of the basic basis is the beginning of the old visual test with the beginning, so , Fitting physician must establish this concept, and first skilled in the entire optometry computer reading glasses program.

Accurate optometry computer glasses is not completely correct myopia, hyperopia and astigmatism. Nearly additional measurements are made in the state where the standard working distance is selected and the eyes are viewed at the same time.

Second, progressive film selection
① about the type of progressive film
Understand the cooperation of manufacturers of progressive film technology and design features, is the perfect for consumers to successfully adapt to the key.
The gradual improvement of the type of market, remove the brand differences, progressive film design principle roughly the same, are to follow the distance near the luminosity distribution. Of course, in the design principle of the same premise, all kinds of progressive film in the details of the design will be different, such as we are familiar with the soft, medium and hard design, it is far from the different field of vision of the relevant design difference.
Different manufacturers in the production of progressive film, but also a comprehensive consideration of materials, film, mold, equipment, software design and other related issues. For example, many manufacturers to promote the gradual, it is the use of modern garage technology - free surface processing machine with advanced surface analysis software, the lens surface and luminosity distribution to do the optimal design. Compared with the outside of the mold by the gradual, within the gradual in the comfort, field of view, the degree of accuracy and so on have a very obvious advantage.
Progressive film
② the choice of progressive film
Progressive film a wide variety of consumers choose what kind of progressive film? In fact, not to look at the appearance of consumers computer eyewear, not to see the thickness of consumer wallet, but to see the needs of consumers. We often make the mistake is: pick frames - talk about price - choose lenses. The success of a successful progressive film sales should be: interrogation (demand) - selected lenses - selected frames.
Including optometry process, including the right to give customers the right to use the right and near the prescription, but also need to understand the usual use of the eye with the habit computer glasses, occupation, age, glasses history, the habit of close with the eye position Wait. By understanding the customer of these very important information, and then to determine what type of progressive film for customers.
Third, progressive film complaint handling
A lot of glasses staff easy to start directly to ask the "customers look far no problem, see near unclear, how to do?" But in fact lead to customers see the possibility of almost too clear, you want to know the situation must continue to ask a lot Problem to exclude the other "look near is not clear" the possibility. However, the general reply of the staff is - "customers have gone, you ask this parameter I did not care ... ...". Therefore, it is possible to solve the problem of client more easily by encountering complaint about progressive film and we hope that we can follow the following processing procedure -
Listen to the customer complaint description → check the glasses assembly parameters → review the customer vision and glasses parameters → determine the cause of the complaint → to the customer to propose a solution
Grinders do not mistake the firewood workers, progressive film of the fitting is not a matter of overnight things. However, those who progress to do a good job of enterprises or individuals, are in the professional skills, fitting process, standardization, customer communication up and down enough effort.
To do a good job of progressive computer glasses film sales, we also need more thinking and practice to pay. Finally, I hope you all the staff attention, not to master the number of ways to resolve complaints, but more to think about how to reduce the occurrence of complaints.

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